Thoughts From The PAstor

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We Are In A Fight From Within

Unfortunately politics in America can be nasty, ugly, and dastardly. This is especially true at the presidential level. In the republican primary we are witnessing the cold hard vicissitudes of high stake politics firsthand. What's at stake is who will lead the republican party? The struggle is between those who are moderates, often times called RINO'S. This group sound conservative, and use the nomenclature of conservatives without commitment to it's governing principles. They camouflage themselves with conservative jargon in order to get elected, but once in office their progressive thinking and votes betray their true selves. They are crafty, cunning, and deceptive, using whatever means necessary to advance their agenda.  Other names for moderates are republican elite, country club republicans, cocktail republicans. 

Moderates are in a tug of war with those who are "constitutional conservatives." Constitutional conservatives are composed of evangelical conservatives, tea party patriots, and other grass root conservatives. They espouse a return to the founding principles, they believe in American "exceptionalism," expect their elected officials to uphold the constitution and fulfill their duty to protect it from tyranny both foreign and domestic. Limited government and support of the free market are part and parcel of their mantra to America. They simple love and appreciate God's blessing upon this nation. They see the storm clouds of tyranny and are working to resist its power play in Washington D.C.. Their weakness is an inability to discern rino's in an election cycle. They are easily duped into listening to words and not observing actions. They have an unusual ability to re-elect rino's over and over again. They often fail to see that the primaries are their source of power to get rid of rino's. 

The struggle between these two groups can be fairly intense at times. In this election cycle we are witnessing an alarming display of dirty politics from within the party. The smear campaign targeted at Herman Cain is breathtaking. Make no mistake about it this attack on Cain originated from within the party.  Its nasty and indicative of the intensity involved in the fight to control the party. 

What's required of conservatives is to recognize what's happening in this primary cycle. To ask questions. Why is the fight so intense?  I summit to you that there is a question that must be answered. The fight is an attempt to answer that question.  The question is who will lead this party? This my friends is of major concern and well ultimately determine who we are as a party. The moderates are extremely nervous because of the victories won in the last election by tea party activism . Grass root conservatives have flexed their collective muscles during the last election cycle and made it emphatically clear no more rino's! The power of tea party conservatives are being felt right now in the House of Representatives. This display of power have caused progressive inside the party and outside to take notice.

However,  conservatives tea party members must know that the moderates will not take this without a fight. They will fight and fight dirty to maintain their influence on the party. Those of us in Texas know firsthand how we won the election but at the same time lost in Austin. Can you say the name Joe Strauss?  

If you don't know you are in a fight, you will lose. To know is to prepare, by studying your foe and hit when its time to throw blows. The republic is at stake. Don't believe the hype!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Connecting The Dots is Very Revealing!

This article was sent to me by a friend in an email. What's being communicated here is the fact that there are enemy's within the republican brand. The establishment is not favorable to Herman Cain who get most of his support from grass root Tea Party types, and Constittutional Conservatives. The Rino establishment is willing to destroy Cain's character and family to ensure that Mitt Romney wins the primary election. 

Read the complete article and cut and paste it to as many friends as possible. The power of government is in the hands of the people. Don't be manipulated by the media or Rino's who see their days numbered. 

"Cast of Characters in the Lynching of Herman Cain"
By Donna Garner

Chris Wilson of Wilson Research Strategies has said publicly that while he was working for Herman Cain at the National Restaurant Association (NRA) in the late 1990's that he personally saw Cain sexually harass a woman at a restaurant in Virginia although Wilson has not said exactly what he believes constituted his claim of "harassment." 


Chris Wilson was the Executive Director of the Republican Party of Texas under then-governor George W. Bush. Chris Wilson worked very closely with Karl Rove. Rove was known to us in Texas as the "master of dirty political tricks. " I suspect that Rove taught Chris Wilson the art of deception.


Karl Rove has been accused of being the source behind countless dirty tricks, whisper campaigns, smear tactics, and character assassinations. 

I have dealt personally with Karl Rove. I well remember in 1997 when we classroom teachers in Texas had written our own state curriculum standards document (Texas Alternative Document) and were gaining wide support in the national press because no classroom teachers (before or since) had ever written their own standards document. We classroom teachers did not believe the standards being steamrolled by the Texas Education Agency and the Governor's office were good for Texas students.

In the spring of 1997, Karl Rove was brought in by Gov. George W. Bush's staff to quiet down the controversy because Bush was on his way to the White House and was being touted as the "education President." Karl Rove believed that Bush could not afford any bad publicity, and evidently Rove's task was "to make it go away." 

Suddenly those State Board of Education (SBOE) members who had supported our TAD document began getting phone calls from their largest campaign contributors threatening to withdraw their support unless they backed the Governor's document. 

One of our main SBOE supporters who made his living as a healthcare provider suddenly had his office visited by both state and federal auditing agencies simultaneously. They managed to tie up his total attention for weeks during the exact time that the SBOE members needed to be focusing their attention on the all-consuming work of adopting new curriculum standards for the state of Texas. The auditors found nothing illegal. 

At one particular SBOE meeting, several of the SBOE members were told by the hotel management that their room assignments had suddenly been changed. The next day the information they had exchanged in a highly confidential phone call was made known publicly and neither of them had been the ones to leak it. 

Back to the Herman Cain "lynching" -- 


Chris Wilson was hired by Mike Toomey to do Gov. Rick Perry's polling. Mike Toomey was Gov. Perry's chief of staff who was behind the HPV Merck/Gardasil scandal. Mike Toomey turned out to be a lobbyist for Merck. 


In 1995 Chris Wilson left the Republican Party of Texas (and Karl Rove) and went to work for pollster Tony Fabrizio. 

Because Gov. Perry's Presidential campaign was losing steam, several weeks ago (10.24.11) his team decided to hire Curt Anderson, Tony Fabrizio, et al. "Coincidentally," it appears that Politico began working on its 10.30.11 sexual harassment hit piece against Herman Cain at about that very same time.


Who is Curt Anderson? Herman Cain told Forbes that he recalled personally telling Curt Anderson in 2003 about the sexual harassment charges at the NRA but that they were baseless. Cain felt Curt Anderson as a pollster for the NRA needed to know about the allegations. 

Another big coincidence? Curt Anderson was the political director at the Republican National Committee under Haley Barbour. Haley Barbour was a member of the ad team for Mitt Romney's campaign in 2007/2008.

On 11.2.11 two days after the Politico story broke on 10.30.11, Haley Barbour went on nationwide TV and began to pressure Cain to get the NRA to release its confidentiality agreement, thus giving the "woman" a chance to grab the national microphone. 


I am not the brightest bulb in the lamp, but I can connect the dots. So can most thinking Americans. 

The Republican candidates are in a heated campaign leading up to the primaries. Out of nowhere has stepped Herman Cain as the frontrunner. He is not an "establishment" sort of guy. 

Chris Wilson, the "witness" (Karl Rove's understudy, recommended to Rick Perry by unscrupulous Mike Toomey) is now working with Curt Anderson (newly hired by Perry) and Tony Fabrizio (newly hired by Perry). 

Fabrizio is connected to Haley Barbour (worked on Mitt Romney's campaign in 2007/2008). Barbour is the one who is trying to pressure the Cain campaign to release the "woman accuser" so that the Politico story will grow legs and eventually "lynch" Herman Cain. 


Yesterday an attorney friend who has broad experience in such cases told me that if these "women" actually had grounds for sexual harassment charges, they would have gone after Herman Cain for millions of dollars; however, but they did not.

Another good friend sent the following to me, and I believe this piece also should help those of us who are trying to look at this situation logically:


Donna -- A few years ago I met an attorney who specialized in sexual harassment cases and had represented several women who had filed sexual harassment charges against a male co-employee (often a supervisor). We talked for quite a while about that and I learned a couple of interesting things:

1. Pre-Clarence Thomas, [before the Anita Hill "lynching" of Clarence Thomas in 1991] the attorney felt that the sexual harassment laws made sense and she gladly represented a number of female clients. 

Post-Clarence Thomas, she refused to represent most women that came to her because the charges were what she called "frivolous and ridiculous" -- that "hostile environment" could represent something as benign as an argument and/or several other nonsexual behaviors. 

2. I asked her if she ever represented any men pre- or post-Clarence Thomas. She said no -- that men were generally laughed out of the courtroom regardless of the validity of the charges.


To my way of thinking either the Perry campaign, the Romney campaign, or both may be behind this "lynching" of Herman Cain. 

I will also add that it is possible neither Rick Perry nor Mitt Romney may know what dirty tricks (if any) their campaigners may be doing once hired and working behind closed doors in various parts of the country. Therefore, Perry/Romney are not lying when they say they know nothing about this story. However, some of the campaigners working for them may know quite a bit about it. 

Resource for parts of my article:

11.2.11 " Former Texas GOP operative says he knows about Cain harassment but wasn't source for story" by Wayne Slater, Dallas Morning News:

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Black Pro-Life Leaders Affirm Herman Cain's Pro-Life Position

Contact: Pastor Stephen Broden, 214-394-0098
DALLAS, Oct. 27, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ -- Black Pro-Life leaders are carefully evaluating all presidential candidates and their positions concerning abortion and the right to life. 

Therefore, this letter is not an endorsement of Herman Cain's candidacy for President; it is rather a recognition of his clear Pro-Life position and years of participation to end the staggering abortion rate in the Black community and in the general population of America.

We the undersigned stand in full support of Mr. Cain's stated Pro-Life position of affirming life from conception until natural death; his strong support for a Human Life Amendment; and his history of involvement in the Pro-Life community's fight for life. Cain's pro-life stance, coupled with his history of support both financially and otherwise, clearly represent that Mr. Cain is a bona fide Pro-Life candidate.

Here are a few examples of Mr. Cain's active involvement in issues related to the Pro-Life concerns: during his 2004 campaign for Senate in Georgia Mr. Cain made life one of his main issues, he signed Georgia Right to Life's affirmation which is one of the more strict affirmations in the nation. And it is widely reported that he has made contributions exceeding a million dollars to promote the Pro-Life message in the Black Community.

The life issue in the Black community is a matter of urgency especially for those of us who are deeply concerned about the specific targeting of our community by Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers in the abortion industry. We have determined that Herman Cain's position on abortion is consistent with those within the Pro-Life community.

Pastor Stephen E. Broden
Fair Park Bible Fellowship 
Dallas, Texas

Catherine Davis
Founder Restoration Project
Atlanta, Georgia

Dr. Day Gardner
National Black Pro-Life Union
Washington, D.C.

Walter B. Hoye ll
Issues 4 Life Foundation
Union City, California

Dr. Alveda King
Civil Rights Activist
King for America
Atlanta, Georgia

Pastor Dean Nelson
Vice President
Frederick Douglass Foundation 
Washington, D.C.

Monday, August 29, 2011

End-of-Life Planning Is Alive and Well!

At the front end of Obama's push for universal health care it was discovered that inside his plan was a provision for "end of life counseling" or better known by many as "death panels." When discovered it caused a national stir. "Baby Boomers" in particular were alarmed that such a provision was tuck away inside Obamacare. Sara Palin, John Boehner began to decry publicly that this provision closely resembled and encouraged euthanasia. They announced to the public that these "death panels" would decide who was worthy of health care. The public furor was such that the provision was eventually taken out of the bill. But did it go away?

It turns out that "death panels"  like Freddie Cruger have more than one life. The final version of Obamacare signed into law by the President in March 2010 secretly planted into Medicare regulatory provisions with language to pay dotors who advise patients on options for end-of-life care, which as Robert Pear writes in the New York Times December 25, 2010 "may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment." Well, well, well, the population control crowd got their "death Panels" in while we weren't looking. The goal to repeal Obamacare is increasingly urgent, but we must do a thorough overhaul of "medicare" not only to streamline its waste, but also to eliminate draconian policies design to without heroics when it come to saving lives.

 It is amazing that this kind of thinking is being pushed on Americans by those who have sworned to uphold our liberties by protecting our constitution. Through backdoor manuvering President Obama and the liberal progressives disregarded the will of the people and pushed this anti-god ideology into the health care arena. It should be clear to most Americans that there is indeed an elite group who exercise incredible sway in Washington, and are hell bent on controling population. Roe v Wade was the first step in their clandestine plan to manage population. Although this may sound like conspiracy theroy 101, let me warn you to not be so quick to brush this off. President Obama's "Science Czar" John Holdren wrote of population mangement in 1977 in his book "Ecoscience." In his book Holdren advocated forced abortions and mass sterilization as a away of controling population in order to save the planet. Why is he in Obama's administration?  Ezekiel Emanuel the Presidents chief architect of Obamacare advocates witholding essential health care from the elderly because "they have already had more life years" Who would want someone like this writing health care for our nation?

This kind of thinking is chiefly the driving force behind Obamacare. Much of the philosophy that influence these monsters is birth out of Darwinism. Darwin taught "natural selection, and the survival of the fittest." Dr. Stephen Meyer's of the Discovery Institute says of Darwinism, " Darwin along with Marx, and Freud, other 19th century thinkers provided the basis of a comprehensive materialistic worldview." This is important for us to know in that it helps to explan how these men and women have come to think population management is a viable option for managing the planet problems. Meyer's goes on to say, " Materialism asserts that matter and energy, not God, are the things from which everything else comes. As the late Stephen J. Gould put it "Matter is the grounds of all existence, mind spirit, and God as well, are just words that express the wondrous results of neuronal complexity"

Friends when you come to the conclusion that there is no God and that we are here by time and chance evolution, then life is no more important than a shoe or sock. To these people all is matter and according to their definition serves a function. The value of that function is determined by the best and brightest among us who are more evolved intellectually than the average Joe. Who determines that value? The power elite, by arbitrarily assigning morality, wrongs and rights as they see fit. Oh, by the way this group of elites are relativist and whats right today can be wrong tomorrow if they say so.

We are a nation founded on principles sourced in a Judeo-Christian ethic. Within that frame life has value and worth because we are made in the image of God. No matter how bright or dull we are, we are His image. End-of Life-Planning assume the role of God. These decision are best left to the individual, their families and above all their GOD. NOT THE GOVERNMENT or some panel of Darwinist who condescend some poor individual because he is not from a particular economic class or have the right kind of education, or skin color. If given a choice most Americans would as the kids say, " kick this idea to the curb with the quickness."

Our involvement in this election cycle is not an option. It is clear we must push back against the secularist agenda to change America. We can not allow a few misguided elites who believe in a fantasy called time, chance evolution to bully us into accepting euthanasia.

The fate of America is in the balance, and we can determine its outcome.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

An Urban Manifesto 2011: Breaking The Cycle of Poverty

From Entitlement to Empowerment
  An Urban Manifesto 2011
By: Pastor Stephen E. Broden, Star Parker, Michel Faulkner, Isaac Hayes, Robert Broadus

Founding Principles and Religious Freedom

We believe the driving force that underpins the greatness of our nation is represented in two ideals that are inextricably connected to the founding principles evident in the Declaration of Independence: liberty and religious freedom. These two ideals are interwoven throughout America’s founding documents and contribute to the first principles that launched this nation into existence.   

We believe the essence of liberty enjoyed by Americans is the proper limitation of government; and in our nation the limitation of government is achieved through the Constitution. The Constitution was constructed as a regulator of the government’s potential to overreach into the private affairs of “we the people.” The framers wrote the Constitution to govern the government and not the people. The strength of our republic, as envisioned by the founders, was not in the power of the government, but in “we the people.”

We, who undersign this document, affirm the founding principles set forth by the framers in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.  We further believe that the first principles of liberty, equality of opportunity, natural rights, consent of the governed, the rule of law, self government, independence, constitutionalism, private property, limited government, and religious freedom; when properly taught, understood and applied are some of the solutions to the prodigious economic and social issues facing the Black community.  It is our firm conviction that the solution to the current crisis facing our nation and the Black community is not the expansion of government, but the limitation of Government, and a return to founding principles and personal responsibility. 

Marriage and the Black Family

We believe marriage is a union between one man and one woman that was instituted by God.  At its origin, marriage is a religious rite that cannot be altered or abolished by an act of Congress or the Judiciary.  Its intent is the creation of a stable nuclear family, the procreation of a prosperous nation, and the sustainability of the human race.

We believe that life starts at conception and is a gift from God, rather than a “punishment” or “lump of tissue” as some have opined.  Half of Black pregnancies end in abortion, functioning as an unofficial genocide of the Black race. This cannot continue.

Therefore, based upon this evidence, herewith are some things that Conservatives will have to do if the Black family is to improve:
·      Oppose all efforts to destroy the lives of the unborn by advocating pro-life policies, such as right-to-life legislation and the expansion of pregnancy care centers.

·      Ensure the history and intent of marriage stands by strengthening the “Defense of Marriage Act” to immune religious institutions and religious individuals from same sex laws.

·      Eliminate the “Estate Tax,” which discourages the accumulation of family wealth.  Eliminate the “Marriage Penalty,” which unfairly punishes couples for marrying.

Economic Empowerment

We believe the number one priority for all Americans who care about jobs and prosperity is to promote maximum economic freedom: tax rates no higher than needed to finance the appropriate functions of government, a sound legal system to protect private property, and a regulatory environment permitting ease of starting and running businesses.

We believe it is time for a different approach to economic development in Black America.  Excessive government financed by excessive taxes diminishes economic freedom and cuts economic growth. 

We believe policy for promoting economic development in Black America should have two prongs.  First, policies should be advanced that will maximize prosperity in the nation as whole.  Second, policies should be advanced that will optimize attitudes and behavior among Blacks to take optimal advantage of, and contribute to, this prosperity.

Education and School Choice

It has been widely documented that the public education system in America has failed inner city urban schools. The public school system has failed to prepare Black and other Minority students in America to compete in a 21st century economy.

We believe the solution for better educating inner-city students is parental choice.  Parents should have the opportunity to choose a safe and effective environment for their children to learn and advance academically.

We believe parental choice would introduce competition into our educational system that will improve our children’s preparation and help to eliminate poor performing schools out of the marketplace.  Funding should follow the child.  Tax dollars raised for education should go to the school chosen by the parent.  We propose two ways to make this happen: vouchers or tuition tax credits.

Today our present "Healthcare" System in the United States is based on Sickness and Disease, not Health and Wellness.  We spend more on healthcare than any other industrialized nation and yet have the highest rates of chronic, life-threatening illnesses. This is especially true in communities of color. We have built a system based on treating chronic symptoms with Government subsidies rather than on fighting preventing disease. Seventy percent of the money spent on "Healthcare" goes toward illnesses that we can prevent, minimize and in some instances reverse. This has created a government-financed "Healthcare" System that is reactive, not proactive.

We do not believe that it is the federal government's role to provide healthcare.  We do however believe that we can and should have a legislative agenda that provides leadership in bringing together the public and private stakeholders to offer solutions for the disparity and deficiencies in our Healthcare system.  Members of the Congressional Black Caucus have failed to address the disparity in Health Care among communities of color because they have advocated that it is Government's role to provide and regulate healthcare as the only direction our healthcare system can go.  The public sector health care has made billions of dollars from treating chronic sickness and not offering long-term health and wellness solutions. As leaders we need to be involved on the ground, working with community groups and the business community, to come up with innovative solutions to our healthcare needs.  We need leadership to provide financial and market-driven incentives that will promote wellness and not sickness.

In Conclusion

We believe that the United States of America are ready for a different direction and a nobler heritage than what has been laid out for us by Black leaders and other politicians for the past half-century.  We base our political worldview on our deep and abiding faith in Almighty God, and the uncompromising spirit of freedom that our founders embraced in creating this great republic.  We believe that only with intelligent, conservative solutions applied to the political process can we overcome the challenges facing the Black community and the American public in general regarding the Economy, Education and School Choice, Marriage and Family, and Healthcare.  We pledge to strive to achieve solutions to these and other challenges by pursuing conservative means, employing the minimum government and intrusion on the rights of the people, while laying a clear path forward for other politicians to emulate, based on policies that derive from the Constitution, conform to the principles of Liberty, and further us in the service of the will and Providence granted to us by our Creator, through which all things are possible.

Attesting to this in Washington, D.C. on the seventeenth day of March in the year of our Lord two thousand eleven, and in the Independence of the United States of America, the two-hundred and thirty-fifth, we the undersigned candidates have affixed our names:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Progressivism Is Destroying America!

The evil effects of progressivism is all around us and our nation. Its impact is far reaching  and is seen in our schools through the dumming down of our children, in teen pregnancy, single parent households and the re-definition of marriage. Progressivism has devalued life and implemented a culture of death through abortion on demand, experimentation with live baby embryos and human clonning, and shockingly with entertaining euthanasia as an option for our seniors through "end of life counseling" and "death panels." It's clear for those who will see that progressivism is the explanation for the moral decadence of our nation.   

 Progressivism has exalted itself above God by dismissing His existents through the doctrine of evolution, and Darwinism. It's taught with unfettered access to our children daily in classroom all over America. The results are devasting to the absolute unchanging truths and principles that underpins the foundation of our republic. Darwin is the foundational platform of relativism and arbitrary morality. Is anyone paying attention to our cultural demise? 

We need only to ask ourselves how in the world did our nation fall so quickly? A nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles who's meteoric raise to unequaled historic success is irrefutably attributed to those principles. One can not talk about America's greatness apart from our religious heritage. But here we are looking at the point of a tremendous collaspe from within. Is anyone seeing this?

 In my humble opinion seeking the reason why has lead me to progressivism. The introduction of progressivism in the 20th century started a slow incremental, gradual slide away from the foundating principles that made this nation great. The Scope trail in the 20th century began the poisoning of our mines with the anti-god movement of Darwin and the fairy tale of evolution. I wonder if folk see the connection of progressivism and the quick pace downward our nation is traveling? 

 Perthaps another observation will help. Notice the impact of progressivism through the philosophy of egalitarian redistribution of wealth. The economic mess we are in today is directly tied to the social justice nonesense that has caused havoc through Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Can you say Barney Frank, and Dick Durban? Two unashamed Progressives. Progressive policies forced upon busniesses through draconian regulations from the EPA, the new Financial Reform Legislation implemented by a House and Senate which were dominated by the progressive left. Can you say Speaker Pelosi, and Bonehead Reid? The end results are evident in the slow demise and destruction of innovation, and creativity in our free market system. 

 Our founders believed in less government, more freedom, more government , less freedom.  Well let's look at what's going on in Washington D.C. Our government is bloated and spawning with an insatiable appetite for taxpayers hard earned income. Mind you the enlargement of government is a progressive idea to take the the haves to give to the have-nots. The rapid expansion of government is a progressive idea sourced in Marxism and Leninism. It's unbelievable but we have a bunch of Leninist running our government right now hell bent on transforming us into a new socialistic paradigm, and guess what? we put them there. 

 Another observation is that our country is incredibly divided. The progressive are responsible for that too. They are breeding class workfare and mistrust throughout our nation by pitting the working class against the job creators. Yes, the record is clear progressivism is destroying America. Until we recognize what the sickness is, we will not be able to treat the illness. If we keep electing leftist to serve us in Washington expect to get served up and kick around until a "fundamental change" occurs at the expense of liberty. If we don't act NOW! HELLO TYRANNY. Progressivism make me SICK! 

Gun Control and The 2oth Century: Beware of Second Amendment Bashers!

-In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 mil dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up & exterminated.
-In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 mil Armenians, unable to defend themselves,were rounded up and exterminated.
-Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939-1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.
-China established gun control in 1935. From 1948-1952, 20 mill political dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated
-Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
-Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
-Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.
Defenseless people rounded up and EXTERMINATED in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million

"Agenda 21, Sustainable Development"

I am encouraged to know that many patriots are aware of the U.N's program "Agenda 21, Sustainable Development" and that it is being quietly implemented across America. This sinister program is in open violation of our Constitution, particularly Article 6 which make it clear that the Constitution is the "SUPREME LAW OF THE LAND." U.N. policies must not trump our constitution. If this program is not challenged now and our elected representives don't legislate against this program, our right to own private property will be forever lost.

Now that we are aware we must engage and push back against foreign law determining our property rights. It is now time for us to make our elected officials locally, in the state, and D.C. to unhold their duty to protect the constitution and rid us of Agenda 21! 

For those of you who are unaware of this program please go to for more information. Knowledge is power only when acted upon. To know and not do, is like not knowing at all. Action is required. Our stewardship responsibility to liberty compels us to act, NOW! See ya at the ramparts, bring your constitution. 

Worldviews in Conflict

Most who observe our culture recognize that there is a titantic clash working itself out in the public square between two worldviews. The Christian worldview and the anti-god human secularist worldview. The implications of this conflict are far reaching. The very survival of our nation as we know it will depend on the outcome of this battle which is clearly for the very soul of America. Frankly, through the filter of political correctness and a clear slant in the major media toward the progressives and their relativist dogma things don't look to good for the Christian worldview. When one examines the evidence it appears the battle is leaning favorably toward the left. It was Vladimir Lenin who said "give me four years to teach the children and the seeds I have sown will never be uprooted" With that in mind notice the thinking of young people in America concerning absolute truth. These statistics concerning young people in America are very telling:

In 1994 70% of youth said there is no absolute truth-all truth is relative. In 2001 85% of youth do not believe in unchanging moral absolutes. In 2002, 91% said there is no unchanging absolute moral truth outside of themselves.

Wow! while we were fighting the leftist in Washington, the relativist were training and indoctrinating our children away from God's absolute truth. The implications are clear, if there are no truths outside of what I determine to be true there are no rights or wrongs that are universally applied.

Another indicator that things don't looks to good for absolute truth in America is that upwards to 94 to 95% of all fundamental evangelical Christian high school graduates abandon their faith 12 months after finishing high school. Colleges and universities are bastions of relativist liberalism.

As a pastor, it is clear to me that our work is ever before us. We must re-enter the public square and recast into the hearts and minds of Americans those Judeo-Christian values that launched this country into existents. Turn our collective attention towards our children and explain that there are absolutes and explain the differents between subjective truth and objective truth. Teach them that there are moral rights and immoral wrongs that have devastating consequences when they are violated. In other words men and women we can not sit this one out. We must be engaged, we must fight for our survival, we must participate in the rescue of this republic while there is yet opportunity and liberty to do so! We have no other choice but to resist!

The Failure of The Congressional Black Caucus

Recently Representative Maxine Waters stated in a Town-hall meeting in Detroit that the community is tired of waiting for the President to help the community out of its jobless rate dilemma. In a passionate plea she cried out to the audience of her love for the President, but that she and the community have grown tired of being overlooked. Other black congressional leaders expressed the same sentiments. I call this a clever distraction from the fact that the congressional black caucus has a long record of do nothing leadership that has overlooked the economic plight of black Americans for years. A leadership that has affirmed progessive liberal policies which are responsible for the promotion of welfare, the destruction of the black family, the creation of a depedency class, and now a nanny state mentality. A leadership that has been silent on the systematic depopulation of our community by the practice of abortion, Planned Parenthood and the population control crowd in Washington D.C. The CBC has been Missing In Action on a host of issues that scream for leadership. One such issue is the drop out rate among black teenages. Their unusal silence on this matter is deplorable.

Their complicit support of partisan politics which has hurt our community is very telling about their role in holding the community back while at the sametime advancing their personal largesse and careers. Their silence on the flow of drugs, violence, and the Hip Hop nonsense that influence our children toward moral decadence and aberrant behavior clearly demonstrates a colossal failure of leadership.  Its easy to point to the President and his massive failure to lead our nation in order to position themselves as somekind of champion for the community. However, the community need to ask where in the world have you so called leaders been in helping our cause? These are elected officals we trusted to represent our interest in D.C.and what we got is a bunch of pass the buck chumps looking to blame others for their do nothing tenure in Washington.   

The Black Congressional Caucus has been around longer than Obama's short term in office. Their record for aiding the community has been absolutely abysmal. The black community should not allow these charlatans to point the blame to anyone other than themselves for the wretched state of joblessness (16.8%) among blacks, the outright failure of government education among our children and the moral decadence that pervades the community. The CBC is responsible for a do nothing leadership that contribute greatly the rapid decline in the community. Its time for the black community to hold these clowns accountable. Yes President Obama is doing an unseemly job is leading our nations. However, he is simply mirroring the lagacy of the Congressional Black Caucus to ignore the prodigious pathologies in the communities of black folk who have been loyal to them for absolutely nothing.  

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Failure of The Black Community

The Great Failure of The Black Community!
How Ancient Israel Parallels The Black Community

By Pastor Stephen E. Broden
The statement “Everyone did what was right in their own eyes” is found in the Old Testament book of the Judges. This statement speaks to the spiritual condition of the nation of Israel especially in its relationship to God.

God’s standard of righteousness and holiness was placed in subordination to the wants and desires of the nation, the people of Israel. The nation of Israel no longer sought what was right from the perspective of God; it was now what was right in the nations “own eyes.”

There is an eerie parallel between the nation of Israel and the black community. Both were in desperate circumstances beyond their ability to do anything about through their own efforts.

The black community during the Jim Crow era was totally dependent on God to advance their struggle for civil rights, first class citizenship, and access to the American dream. Israel was totally dependent on God to deliver them from the bondage of Egypt and to take them into the land that flowed with milk and honey.

In each case God gave victory, favor and blessings, which were undeniably the demonstrated power of God working on behalf of His people. But soon after the victory the book of Judges says this of Israel and I believe it can be said of the black community as well “ there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord, nor yet the work which He had done for Israel.”

Notice the phase that says “who did not know the Lord” this friends is where the black community is living right now. This generation of young people does not know the works of the Lord during the Civil Rights Movement. Our current leaders, although the recipients of the benefits of the struggle do not know the prayers of countless men and women who prayed that our leaders would sit in the seat of authority on behalf of the beloved community.

Those words “who do not know the Lord” serve as a scathing indictment in spite of the many churches that dot the landscape in our community. In spite of the many mega churches with thousands upon thousands of members, there is a spiritual deadness, which is no doubt seen in the overall political, sociological, and psychological condition of our community. To put it simply, the black community is a mess!

The best indicator of the health of a community is the welfare of its women and its children. In the black community kids are doing poorly academically, the drop out rate is frightening among black boys, and our teenagers are out of ‘hip hop’ control. Black girls are growing up without fathers, and without knowing the value of true love from a paternal relationship that can help them know the difference between love and sex.

Single parent households out number two parent households. Our women are having more abortions than any other ethic group in America; post abortive women are physically and psychologically under great duress. Breast cancer is up among black women. Statistics demonstrate that there is an increase in the number of black women with diabetes and heart disease. Preemie births among black women quadruples that of any other ethic group in America because of Vacuum aspiration abortions. About 43% of pregnancies in black women end in induced abortions.

In addition, it is common knowledge that black males are absents from their leadership role in families all across the community. More black men wake up on Sunday morning in prison than those who go to church. I submit to you that we are witnessing a generation that does not know God or His works?

It seems to me that the influence of God in the black community has been marginalized through the cult of personality, materialism, and greed. This three head monster has blinded our community of its need for God. It is clear in the behavior of our youth and most especially in the attitudes of our leaders that we have stopped trusting in God and are now seeking to trust in a charismatic superstar, a political party, and the federal government. What ever happened to the biblical idea that Jehovah Jireh, the Lord will provide?

The bible says :
“curse in the man who puts his trust in mankind and makes flesh his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord, for he will be like a bush in the desert and will not see when prosperity comes, but will live in stony waste in the wilderness a land of salt and without inhabitant.”
(Jeremiah. 17:5-6)

Wow, this is not a pretty picture to behold. Could it be that this scripture explain the harsh reality of what we are facing in our communities across America? When one began to see our community from the point of view of the word of God we see a community no longer under the covering of His protected hand. Those of us who study the word of God and the community see an interesting parallel with the nation of Israel and the black community. The solution to the mess of our community is in Jeremiah 17:7- 8: Its says:

“How blessed is the man who trust in the Lord and whose trust is the Lord. For he will be like a tree planted by the water, that extends its roots by a stream and will not fear when the heat comes but its leaves will be green and it will not be anxious in a drought nor cease to yield fruit.”

Simply put we must repent and turn back to our spiritual roots. Our trust should not be in a man or the government, but only in Jesus the sovereign God of the universe. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

There is No I in Team

First published in February 2009
I love football and I am a big Dallas Cowboy fan. I guess you can image how disappointed I was to see what was commonly reported to be one of the more talented teams in the NFL go crashing down at the end of the season. Of course all the armchair analysis pointed to many reasons why a team as talented as the Cowboys could not make it happen last season. However, one of the more astute analyses I encountered came from my son Jamaal, who is a lifetime Cowboys fan. Jamaal’s analysis basically said although the “Boys” had the talent to win it all, they did not play as a team. “The Cowboys simply did not play as a team, but rather as individuals.”

Could this be a major reason why the pro-life movement is not winning the struggle against the culture of death and the community of pro-aborts? One of the great challenges of the pro-life community continues to be their need to connect with, and work with the black conservative pro-life movement. Any astute observer recognizes that the conservative black community stands four square with the pro-life community on issues of life and traditional marriage.

Most of our friends in the majority community acknowledge there is a need for us to connect with one another in order to present a unified front against our common foe. However, more has to be done to include black conservatives in the planning and development of strategies and tactics that would facilitate greater mobilization of our respective communities across our country. The Pro-life movement has not maximized for mobilization en-masse with black folks who agree wholeheartedly with the fundamental suppositions of the pro-life movement. Frankly, there has been an incredible disconnect between the majority community and the black community. Our community is being devastated by Plan Parenthood’s targeted efforts to make pre-natal murder a common practice among us. The black community constitutes 35% of all pre-natal murders performed in America. We deeply desire to work as a team with our allies.

I have been involved on and off in the struggle for life since 1983. I have worked with white warriors who have helped to rescue babies all over Dallas. There has been incredible support from individuals; I’m sure all over this country that those who worked together with black individuals with some degree of success would agree that the joint effort make the task easier. Working together we have witnessed the closing of clinics and helped mothers turn away from the door of abortionist. However, you must know that occasionally, during this football season the Cowboys quarterback, Tony Romo would throw a touchdown to Terrell Owens. But, one touchdown very seldom won the game. Having a few successes is good, but we want to win the game. We need to plan and develop together a national strategy in order to win the game.

As things are currently, the pro-life community is facing an incredible challenge. We are witnessing a rapid fire administration that seeks to establish laws, and executive orders that will set back all that we have accomplished over the years to keep the culture of death in check, and to slow down their programs of death.

The results of this presidential election have put us in a position of having to recalibrate our strategies and methods to stay in stride with a clever and subtle foe that slickly hisses, “no one is for abortion, only for a woman’s right to choose.” As we recalibrate a strategy to show how we will move our team over the next four years, let us take a lesson from the Cowboys and play this one out as a team.

The black pro-life movement is a natural ally in the struggle to end the scourge of baby murder in our country. We are being impacted by it at an alarming rate. Our contribution is to mobilize the black community and bring their collective voices to the table to speak out against this evil practice. Our voice when heard cannot be ignored or misrepresented as trying to besmirch the first black President. He is from our community and he most not ignore our cry to stop the killing of our children. When we collectively bring to the nation’s consciousness the horrors of baby killing in our communities and how it is practiced in unabated furor we will win the day. For the next four years, we need to play this one out as a team if we are to win!

Pastor Stephen Broden
Fair Park Bible Fellowship
Dallas, Texas

How Can I Celebrate Black History Month?

By Pastor Stephen Broden
Senior Pastor Fair Park Bible Fellowship 
Dallas, Texas

We are now well into the month that is celebrated as "black history month." Black communities across this nation will celebrate this month and with deep appreciation laud the first black President as the most significant event in our history. School's churches and other institutions in our community will speak of Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, Dr. Martin King and many others who made extraordinary contributions to our nations history. However, there is a dark cloud that hangs over our community a specter of self destruction through the murder of our babies by the evil practice of abortion. It taints our community pride and cast disparagement on those who preceded us and the accomplishments they have achieved. The irony of our celebration this year is evident in recently published abortion statistics that indicate upwards to 1,500 black babies a day are murder in their mothers womb. While we as a community celebrate our past history in America it is increasingly clear our future is being systematically destroyed by a eugenic base philosophy targeted specifically towards black babies and black women.

Unfortunately during this months celebration little will be said about 14 million black babies thrown away by the bloody hands of abortionist since 1973. How can we laud our history and at the same time ignore a holocaustal scourge that is decimating the future of our existence? Perhaps a glimpse at the history of Maragret Sanger founder of Planned Parenthood and mother of the abortion industry in America will help us see reasons why. Maragret Sanger years ago implemented a plan called the "Negro Project" designed to control population in the black community. Sanger said "negroes are like weeds, we need to get rid of them" In a letter to one of her supporters she said "We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population". These statements by Sanger reflect her eugenic belief in a superior race. In 1970, I. I. Gottesman, a director of the American Eugenics Society, defined the meaning of eugenics in this way: "The essence of evolution is natural selection; the essence of eugenics is the replacement of 'natural' selection by conscious, premeditated, or artificial selection in the hope of speeding up the evolution of 'desirable' characteristics andthe elimination of undesirable ones."

With the help of W.E. Dubuois and black pastors Sanger set in moment a eugenic plot of dysgenic' genocide in the black community. That plan is still at work today under the rubric of reproductive health and a "women right to choose." Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry because of laws and policies supported in all three branches of our government have had since 1973 unfettered access to our community to work their plan of depopulation. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg affirmed this idea in an interview in New York Times when she said, "Frankly I had thought that at the time Roe (1973) was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that WE don’t want to have too many of."

The irony of our celebration this month is also seen in the recent revelation of four black abortionist who were exposed on our nations public stage for atrocities perpetrated on black women and babies in California, Philadelphia, Washington D.C. and Maryland. In January of this year an indictment of abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell for murder of seven late term babies and one of his female patience's in his Philadelphia clinic dominated internet news. Also, exposed in January were Nicole Riley in Maryland who through a botched abortion seriously injuring a woman by perforating the wall of her uterus pulling out part of her intestines, James Pendergraft, who runs an illegal late term abortion facility, and Andrew Rutland exposed for frightening women into agreeing to unnecessary hysterectomies, botching abortions, lying to patients, falsifying medical records, over-prescribing painkillers and having sex with patients. All four are black abortionist working for personal gain.

How can we celebrate our history in the light of this abortion scourge? BET television and other media outlets will present historical facts about how blacks contributed to our nations success in the days ahead, but I will find it difficult to celebrate knowing the ugly facts of abortions impact on black babies and black women. Our babies, children and women are exposed and victimized through the mantra and deceptive lie of "a woman right to choose" This mantra has led to an abortion scourge that is threaten our very survival.

Major media will not cover this story nor communicate the horror of abortion in the black community. But one must ask where are black print and electronic media? Why have they not covered this holocaust? Surely they are aware of the malady of abortion and its impacts! Could it be that they like Dubuois and other community leaders recruited in the twentieth century by Sanger are complicit in her eugenic plan to control black population? Where are the voices of our leaders? The Congressional Black Caucus is not to be trusted, they have voted unanimously to support Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry to refill their re-election coffers. Community activist like Sharpton, and Jackson have become apologist for abortion rights. Perhaps more disturbing is the silences of the black church and their shepherds to fight for babies and women in our communities.

So, I guess its up to "we the people" to engage in pushing back against the abortionist, and eugenists in order to protect our babies, our community, and our future. We must hold our elected officials, churches, and pastor accountable if they are to lead us, or get rid of them. Then and only then we will be able to celebrate our history, our future and our nation.