Thoughts From The PAstor

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

We Are In A Fight From Within

Unfortunately politics in America can be nasty, ugly, and dastardly. This is especially true at the presidential level. In the republican primary we are witnessing the cold hard vicissitudes of high stake politics firsthand. What's at stake is who will lead the republican party? The struggle is between those who are moderates, often times called RINO'S. This group sound conservative, and use the nomenclature of conservatives without commitment to it's governing principles. They camouflage themselves with conservative jargon in order to get elected, but once in office their progressive thinking and votes betray their true selves. They are crafty, cunning, and deceptive, using whatever means necessary to advance their agenda.  Other names for moderates are republican elite, country club republicans, cocktail republicans. 

Moderates are in a tug of war with those who are "constitutional conservatives." Constitutional conservatives are composed of evangelical conservatives, tea party patriots, and other grass root conservatives. They espouse a return to the founding principles, they believe in American "exceptionalism," expect their elected officials to uphold the constitution and fulfill their duty to protect it from tyranny both foreign and domestic. Limited government and support of the free market are part and parcel of their mantra to America. They simple love and appreciate God's blessing upon this nation. They see the storm clouds of tyranny and are working to resist its power play in Washington D.C.. Their weakness is an inability to discern rino's in an election cycle. They are easily duped into listening to words and not observing actions. They have an unusual ability to re-elect rino's over and over again. They often fail to see that the primaries are their source of power to get rid of rino's. 

The struggle between these two groups can be fairly intense at times. In this election cycle we are witnessing an alarming display of dirty politics from within the party. The smear campaign targeted at Herman Cain is breathtaking. Make no mistake about it this attack on Cain originated from within the party.  Its nasty and indicative of the intensity involved in the fight to control the party. 

What's required of conservatives is to recognize what's happening in this primary cycle. To ask questions. Why is the fight so intense?  I summit to you that there is a question that must be answered. The fight is an attempt to answer that question.  The question is who will lead this party? This my friends is of major concern and well ultimately determine who we are as a party. The moderates are extremely nervous because of the victories won in the last election by tea party activism . Grass root conservatives have flexed their collective muscles during the last election cycle and made it emphatically clear no more rino's! The power of tea party conservatives are being felt right now in the House of Representatives. This display of power have caused progressive inside the party and outside to take notice.

However,  conservatives tea party members must know that the moderates will not take this without a fight. They will fight and fight dirty to maintain their influence on the party. Those of us in Texas know firsthand how we won the election but at the same time lost in Austin. Can you say the name Joe Strauss?  

If you don't know you are in a fight, you will lose. To know is to prepare, by studying your foe and hit when its time to throw blows. The republic is at stake. Don't believe the hype!

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