Thoughts From The PAstor

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Failure of The Congressional Black Caucus

Recently Representative Maxine Waters stated in a Town-hall meeting in Detroit that the community is tired of waiting for the President to help the community out of its jobless rate dilemma. In a passionate plea she cried out to the audience of her love for the President, but that she and the community have grown tired of being overlooked. Other black congressional leaders expressed the same sentiments. I call this a clever distraction from the fact that the congressional black caucus has a long record of do nothing leadership that has overlooked the economic plight of black Americans for years. A leadership that has affirmed progessive liberal policies which are responsible for the promotion of welfare, the destruction of the black family, the creation of a depedency class, and now a nanny state mentality. A leadership that has been silent on the systematic depopulation of our community by the practice of abortion, Planned Parenthood and the population control crowd in Washington D.C. The CBC has been Missing In Action on a host of issues that scream for leadership. One such issue is the drop out rate among black teenages. Their unusal silence on this matter is deplorable.

Their complicit support of partisan politics which has hurt our community is very telling about their role in holding the community back while at the sametime advancing their personal largesse and careers. Their silence on the flow of drugs, violence, and the Hip Hop nonsense that influence our children toward moral decadence and aberrant behavior clearly demonstrates a colossal failure of leadership.  Its easy to point to the President and his massive failure to lead our nation in order to position themselves as somekind of champion for the community. However, the community need to ask where in the world have you so called leaders been in helping our cause? These are elected officals we trusted to represent our interest in D.C.and what we got is a bunch of pass the buck chumps looking to blame others for their do nothing tenure in Washington.   

The Black Congressional Caucus has been around longer than Obama's short term in office. Their record for aiding the community has been absolutely abysmal. The black community should not allow these charlatans to point the blame to anyone other than themselves for the wretched state of joblessness (16.8%) among blacks, the outright failure of government education among our children and the moral decadence that pervades the community. The CBC is responsible for a do nothing leadership that contribute greatly the rapid decline in the community. Its time for the black community to hold these clowns accountable. Yes President Obama is doing an unseemly job is leading our nations. However, he is simply mirroring the lagacy of the Congressional Black Caucus to ignore the prodigious pathologies in the communities of black folk who have been loyal to them for absolutely nothing.  

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