Thoughts From The PAstor

Friday, August 19, 2011

Progressivism Is Destroying America!

The evil effects of progressivism is all around us and our nation. Its impact is far reaching  and is seen in our schools through the dumming down of our children, in teen pregnancy, single parent households and the re-definition of marriage. Progressivism has devalued life and implemented a culture of death through abortion on demand, experimentation with live baby embryos and human clonning, and shockingly with entertaining euthanasia as an option for our seniors through "end of life counseling" and "death panels." It's clear for those who will see that progressivism is the explanation for the moral decadence of our nation.   

 Progressivism has exalted itself above God by dismissing His existents through the doctrine of evolution, and Darwinism. It's taught with unfettered access to our children daily in classroom all over America. The results are devasting to the absolute unchanging truths and principles that underpins the foundation of our republic. Darwin is the foundational platform of relativism and arbitrary morality. Is anyone paying attention to our cultural demise? 

We need only to ask ourselves how in the world did our nation fall so quickly? A nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles who's meteoric raise to unequaled historic success is irrefutably attributed to those principles. One can not talk about America's greatness apart from our religious heritage. But here we are looking at the point of a tremendous collaspe from within. Is anyone seeing this?

 In my humble opinion seeking the reason why has lead me to progressivism. The introduction of progressivism in the 20th century started a slow incremental, gradual slide away from the foundating principles that made this nation great. The Scope trail in the 20th century began the poisoning of our mines with the anti-god movement of Darwin and the fairy tale of evolution. I wonder if folk see the connection of progressivism and the quick pace downward our nation is traveling? 

 Perthaps another observation will help. Notice the impact of progressivism through the philosophy of egalitarian redistribution of wealth. The economic mess we are in today is directly tied to the social justice nonesense that has caused havoc through Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Can you say Barney Frank, and Dick Durban? Two unashamed Progressives. Progressive policies forced upon busniesses through draconian regulations from the EPA, the new Financial Reform Legislation implemented by a House and Senate which were dominated by the progressive left. Can you say Speaker Pelosi, and Bonehead Reid? The end results are evident in the slow demise and destruction of innovation, and creativity in our free market system. 

 Our founders believed in less government, more freedom, more government , less freedom.  Well let's look at what's going on in Washington D.C. Our government is bloated and spawning with an insatiable appetite for taxpayers hard earned income. Mind you the enlargement of government is a progressive idea to take the the haves to give to the have-nots. The rapid expansion of government is a progressive idea sourced in Marxism and Leninism. It's unbelievable but we have a bunch of Leninist running our government right now hell bent on transforming us into a new socialistic paradigm, and guess what? we put them there. 

 Another observation is that our country is incredibly divided. The progressive are responsible for that too. They are breeding class workfare and mistrust throughout our nation by pitting the working class against the job creators. Yes, the record is clear progressivism is destroying America. Until we recognize what the sickness is, we will not be able to treat the illness. If we keep electing leftist to serve us in Washington expect to get served up and kick around until a "fundamental change" occurs at the expense of liberty. If we don't act NOW! HELLO TYRANNY. Progressivism make me SICK! 

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