At the front end of Obama's push for universal health care it was discovered that inside his plan was a provision for "end of life counseling" or better known by many as "death panels." When discovered it caused a national stir. "Baby Boomers" in particular were alarmed that such a provision was tuck away inside Obamacare. Sara Palin, John Boehner began to decry publicly that this provision closely resembled and encouraged euthanasia. They announced to the public that these "death panels" would decide who was worthy of health care. The public furor was such that the provision was eventually taken out of the bill. But did it go away?
It turns out that "death panels" like Freddie Cruger have more than one life. The final version of Obamacare signed into law by the President in March 2010 secretly planted into Medicare regulatory provisions with language to pay dotors who advise patients on options for end-of-life care, which as Robert Pear writes in the New York Times December 25, 2010 "may include advance directives to forgo aggressive life-sustaining treatment." Well, well, well, the population control crowd got their "death Panels" in while we weren't looking. The goal to repeal Obamacare is increasingly urgent, but we must do a thorough overhaul of "medicare" not only to streamline its waste, but also to eliminate draconian policies design to without heroics when it come to saving lives.
It is amazing that this kind of thinking is being pushed on Americans by those who have sworned to uphold our liberties by protecting our constitution. Through backdoor manuvering President Obama and the liberal progressives disregarded the will of the people and pushed this anti-god ideology into the health care arena. It should be clear to most Americans that there is indeed an elite group who exercise incredible sway in Washington, and are hell bent on controling population. Roe v Wade was the first step in their clandestine plan to manage population. Although this may sound like conspiracy theroy 101, let me warn you to not be so quick to brush this off. President Obama's "Science Czar" John Holdren wrote of population mangement in 1977 in his book "Ecoscience." In his book Holdren advocated forced abortions and mass sterilization as a away of controling population in order to save the planet. Why is he in Obama's administration? Ezekiel Emanuel the Presidents chief architect of Obamacare advocates witholding essential health care from the elderly because "they have already had more life years" Who would want someone like this writing health care for our nation?
This kind of thinking is chiefly the driving force behind Obamacare. Much of the philosophy that influence these monsters is birth out of Darwinism. Darwin taught "natural selection, and the survival of the fittest." Dr. Stephen Meyer's of the Discovery Institute says of Darwinism, " Darwin along with Marx, and Freud, other 19th century thinkers provided the basis of a comprehensive materialistic worldview." This is important for us to know in that it helps to explan how these men and women have come to think population management is a viable option for managing the planet problems. Meyer's goes on to say, " Materialism asserts that matter and energy, not God, are the things from which everything else comes. As the late Stephen J. Gould put it "Matter is the grounds of all existence, mind spirit, and God as well, are just words that express the wondrous results of neuronal complexity"
Friends when you come to the conclusion that there is no God and that we are here by time and chance evolution, then life is no more important than a shoe or sock. To these people all is matter and according to their definition serves a function. The value of that function is determined by the best and brightest among us who are more evolved intellectually than the average Joe. Who determines that value? The power elite, by arbitrarily assigning morality, wrongs and rights as they see fit. Oh, by the way this group of elites are relativist and whats right today can be wrong tomorrow if they say so.
We are a nation founded on principles sourced in a Judeo-Christian ethic. Within that frame life has value and worth because we are made in the image of God. No matter how bright or dull we are, we are His image. End-of Life-Planning assume the role of God. These decision are best left to the individual, their families and above all their GOD. NOT THE GOVERNMENT or some panel of Darwinist who condescend some poor individual because he is not from a particular economic class or have the right kind of education, or skin color. If given a choice most Americans would as the kids say, " kick this idea to the curb with the quickness."
Our involvement in this election cycle is not an option. It is clear we must push back against the secularist agenda to change America. We can not allow a few misguided elites who believe in a fantasy called time, chance evolution to bully us into accepting euthanasia.
The fate of America is in the balance, and we can determine its outcome.