Thoughts From The PAstor

Thursday, August 9, 2012

We Are The Constitutional Defenders of Texas

Why We Exist

The level of frustration concerning the failure of men and women who were elected to protect the Constitution is overwhelming. Considering the number of unconstitutional acts perpetrated by this congress, and especially this administration, there is a need for Americans (We The People) to respond. It is clear in history that our founding fathers expected citizen of these United States to be engaged in the protection of our God given rights pronounced in the Declaration of Independence and fleshed out in the Constitution. A story of Benjamin Franklin, commonly known by many, is a powerful expression of our founders’ expectation. As Benjamin Franklin exited the Constitutional Convention a woman approached and asked of him; “Sir what have you given us”? He replied “…a republic, IF YOU CAN KEEP IT.” The role of we the people in the minds of the founders is best expressed in these few words, “IF YOU CAN KEEP IT”.

We have witnessed over the last few years and in recent times, increasingly, more unconstitutional acts by all three branches of our government. This has caused among many great concerns for our freedoms. The evidence of unconstitutional acts by our government has produced an uneasiness among many conservative Texans. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land, and when our elected officials blatantly disregard its principles the threat to our liberties require an immediate response from those who will be adversely affected by such actions. There is certainly no doubt regarding an uneasiness with Senator John McCain’s and Senator Carl Levin’s NDAA legislation which was recently signed into law by President Obama. In addition the HHS mandates, and the rapid fire unconstitutional edicts by President Obama's executive orders, are other clear violations of the Constitution.

These and many other actions taken against the Constitution are patterns threatening to our God given liberties, and run the real risk of nullifying those liberties through establishing illegal precedence.   Unfortunately, few in congress or the judiciary have fulfilled their oath to protect and defend our constitution from what some have called "the death of a thousand cuts". Their failure has caused a great deal of alarm among many in the Tea Party, the 912 movement, and constitutional conservatives. We believe that there is a deliberate attempt by some in our government to destroy the original intent of the constitution and the role it plays in securing our liberties. The Declaration of Independence tells us "…when any government becomes destructive to that end it is the right of the governed to alter or abolish it". Here the founders communicated a principle which tells us that we the people have the power to firmly adjust bad behavior and remove it from our government.

Constitutional Defenders of Texas will analyze and evaluate the actions of this administration and that of Congress, from 2009 until present. Our findings will be published and discussed in the public square to develop consensus in order to address these violations and those who violated our Constitution.

Located on our website are violations perpetrated by our government. Our findings were reviewed by a constitutional lawyer and confirmed to be authentic violations. Please take the time to review our findings and make a contribution to help us publish them. We encourage you to join us in our demand for redress.

Pastor Stephen Broden
Founder of Constitutional Defenders of Texas

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Labeled To Intimadate

Friday, April 17, 2009

Labeled To Intimidate!

DHS Attempt to Intimidate The Pro-life Community
By Pastor Stephen E. Broden

In an attempt to intimidate the Pro-life community, The Department Homeland Security have categorized as rightwing terrorist all who are fighting for the sanctity of life and unborn babies. I find this to be a curiosity. How can this be in America? A group of citizen exercising their first amendment rights be targeted and labeled as a treat to the homeland?

Without question, this is one of the more dangerous moves that the Obama administration has made since winning the election. What we are witnessing is a trail balloon, a kind of test to determine how the public would respond to their deliberate attempt to intimidate and label Americans. Thus far the strongest response has come primarily from our veterans. The Veterans community responded swiftly and boldly against DHS attempt to re-define them as terrorist. Because of their immediate reaction Secretary Janet Napolitano came forward and apologized to all veterans for the poor language describing them as terrorist.

Noticeably absent in her apology was any mention of this infamous reports blatant misinformation in labeling those who are involved in protecting the lives of the unborn as terrorist. In large part her arrogant disregard for our struggle, for our movement to change the conscience of Americans concerning the sanctity of life is because of the puny, and negligible response from we in the pro-life community who sit silently as the left defines us as terrorist.

In defining those who are “dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration” as right winged terrorist DHS is calling the Catholic community, the Protestant community, and all moral minded men and women all over this country terrorist. This is outrageous! If I didn’t know any better I would call this asinine. Simply because we hold to a Christian worldview on when life begins we are terrorist. This is a leftwing ploy targeted against Christians, nothing more than an attempt to intimidate the pro-life community into silence and out of the public debate.

Friends, The Department of Homeland Security, are calling every Jew, Gentile, Protestant, and Catholic who firmly believes that life begins in the womb a terrorist! May I say to every elitist at DHS and the so called intellectuals who put this report togerther, we are not terrorist because we believe life begins at conception, we are not terrorist because we resist the culture of death; we are not terrorist because we believe the constitution extends to babies in their mothers womb! Secretary Napolitano, hear us loud and clear, we are not terrorist because we call on every American to recognize that the abortion industry is engaged in the greatest act of terrorism ever perpetrated on innocent babies, women and their families; the evil practice prenatal murder! Above all, we are not intimidated!

I am convinced now more than ever that it is imperative that the pro-life community stands together with one voice and demand that this attempt to label and intimidate pro-lifers into silence is unacceptable! We cannot allow this powerful government agency to label us for the consequences could potentially shut down our constitutional rights to free speech, and to peaceably assemble. We cannot allow some ideologue to utilizes his or her bully pulpit to remove our voice from the public square. We must not remain silent when so many innocent lives are at risk.

President Thomas Jefferson said, “…forbid us tamely to surrender that freedom which we receive from our gallant ancestors, and which our innocent posterity have a right to receive from us. We cannot endure the infamy and guilt of resigning succeeding generations to that wretchedness which inevitably awaits them if we basely entail hereditary bondage on them.”

In keeping with the words of this great president we The Black Pro-life Movement demand a public apology from The Department Of Homeland Security. In addition we seek for Secretary Napolitano to acknowledge publicly that we have a constitutional right to free speech, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances without being called terrorist.

Pastor Stephen Broden
The Black Pro-life Movement
Senior Pastor Fair Park Bible Fellowship
Dallas, Texas

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Why The Patriotic Frustration?

Many of my patriotic and conservative friends have expressed to me that they are discouraged at the lack of awareness and or concern of most American regarding the directon of our nation. There seems to be an indifference concerning the direct threat on our liberties by our elected officials. I for one am aware of the glazed over looks pepole have when I talk with them about the jeopardy our constitution is experiencing under this administration. It is amazing that that so many are oblivious to the rapid evaporation of our liberties by policies, excutive orders, and legislations that are unconstitutional and in violation of the founding principles that undergird our liberties. How is it that so many are blind? I have three observations that might help to define the problem. 1. Thomas Jefferson indentifies a human characteristic that explain the typical glazed look on most folk faces when it comes to fighting for and responding to the obvious threat on our liberties. In the declaration of independence he said, "that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the form to which they are accustomed." Wow, Jefferson in that one phrase communicates very clearly a problem widespread among most Americans. 2. Most American are unaware of the threat to our constitution because they don't know what's in the constitution. A dumb down population is easily duped and manipulated. 3. There is a spiritual component to the apathy apparent among us. The cult of personality, the message of change and the lame street media are contributing to a widespread deception that has duped Americans into believing a lie that is sourced in Darwinism, Socialism, and Communism. all three are godless systems based on the philosophies of men. 1Tim 4:1 "But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons," I summit to you that all these man made ism's are doctrines of demons and are very seductive to the uninitiated. They sound good but there end is destruction. The bible warns in Col.2:8 "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ." My friends this equals spiritual blindness!
Our declaration of independence and constitution were based upon the "Laws of nature and of natures God" God given principles coupled with principles of justices and righteousness is no longer understood by the majority of Americans and that is why so many don't know or want to know the threat we face. To my patriotic friends our role is that of a watchman on the wall. Sound the alarm as loud as you can, if they don't get up it will not be because the alarm failed to sound.

New American Standard Bible : 1995 update. 1995 (Col 2:8). LaHabra, CA: The Lockman Foundation